Our Message
The LifeHelpers is a social movement with a goal of 'Affecting the LIVES of Millions in a POSITIVE way!'
To achieve this goal The LifeHelpers will follow the 5 key areas of assisting:
Military Veterans
Homeless / Poverty Stricken
Children in Need
Illness and Disease
Women/Men in Need
Our Vision
Put our hearts into what we do because there is always someone that needs support or a smile on their faces.
Darryl Duane Badley, the creator of The LifeHelpers is from the Cleveland, Ohio area and fully understands the meaning of giving. Coming from a blue-collar family his parents and family have implanted a hard work ethic and kind-hearted spirit. Darryl currently resides in the Washington, DC area where he has been involved with philanthropic efforts that result in great impact directly to the community. He also serves as an active member of the United States Air Force Reserves.